Customer-Driven Business Software

CMS Printer Agent


How does it work?
While CMS Printer Agent is running, it watches for CMS report files to be created. When it sees a report file, it reads that file and prints it to the printer you've selected. That printer can be any of your Windows printers including the newer Inkjets, All-in-ones, Fax drivers, and even network printers.

What are CMS report files?
CMS report files are any printed output that is created by CMS and saved in a disk file. CMS Version 4.70 allows you to set up a printer that will send all output to a disk file. This allows you to print any report, checks, invoices, or tax forms on any printer. Older versions of CMS can also use CMS Printer Agent for any report that is printed to Disk (as opposed to Printer or Screen).

Buy the CMS Printer Agent -- Just $19
